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What people says
onMars art looks really cool, like mixed mosaics of Perseverance's pictures
Aerospace Engineer
United KingdomonMARS is a great idea. To give a new point of view to planetary data using art is just brilliant.
OnMars looks lovely and I love the idea! I'm fascinated by space and such art resonates with me.
It’s very beautiful. Very nice designs.
NASA Concept Artist/Designer
United StatesI do see the art that is possible with Mars and I am excited about the possibilities that open up for the future of the art industry.
United States
You are doing a great work by combining art with Space so that more people can relate to the passion of Mars!
Science Communicator
Your website looks amazing and all the pictures there look more like modern art.
I saw the website and I think this art is unique and first of it's kind. Great initiative.👏
Ceo and Founder
United StatesonMARS really gives an opportunity to appreciate those pictures in an artist's lens which I think is pretty awesome, they're great!
United Kingdom
I've been on your website: the idea is great and the result is nice. Knowing that these pictures crossed dozens of thousands kilometers is astonishing!
FranceYou have a great project !
Visual Artist, Curator, and Educator
United States
Your website and initiative about Mars is fascinating and worth spreading the word about!
Science Education
Your work surely looks interesting.😊
Aerospace Engineer
Sounds interesting. The photos are also beautiful.
Astrophysics Research
Pretty impressed regarding your work and contribution to the Space Community
PHD Professor
IndiaWhether Art or Scientific record, it gets our heads closer to being there. I always dreamed of having a digital-back Hasselblad on Mars. Looks like you almost have that.
Space Artist
United StatesI just checked On Mars website, it was beautiful. Great work there and congratulations. Would love to see more of such art coming from the lens of Perseverance. I'm a huge fan already ;-)
Wow I just looked at the pieces and they were very cool, it's a modern, contemporary art approach in my opinion, it tells pieces of stories and gathers them up beautifully, very well done!
United Kingdom
Aren't the picture collections just awesome? I am in love with the galleries and the wall hangings of the mars pics !
These images of Mars are beautiful as well as scientifically useful.
Research Geologist of Mars Images
United StatesI looked at your website and the images are definitely ART!! I think they are beautiful.
United States
That is quite amazing. The cradle of AI art
onMARS pictures are so wonderfull
Very creative, informative and impressive
onMARS would be the next evolutionary plateau where the technology and convenient proximity to such planetary scenes are available to un-manned imaging cameras.
Space artist
United StatesI love reading Science fiction and the term 'Art on Mars', seems like scifiction turned to reality....I love this idea.... looking forward to witness more wonders of AI😎
Really interesting art design. I really like. Congratulations.
Blue Marble Space Institute of Science
TurkeyVery interesting use of the rover images to make art.
Executive Director of SciArt & Research Scientist
United StatesI saw your beautiful website and really love the whole concept! I Totally agree that Mars is FULL of art,
Fine Art Professional
United StatesOnMarsArt is very attractive. AI and Emerging technologies will bring a lot of unreachable planets to reaching distance. onMARS Gallery is just exciting
Technology adviser
Wow ! I just checked the website and this looks really good.. Curious as to how the AI works but this is exciting indeed.
I think what you are doing is great. MARS is a beautiful planet with immense possibilities and makes us curious to persevere.
Space enthousiast
ItalyYour website looks very interesting indeed. I think initiatives such as yours that combine science and art are incredibly important for reaching a wider audience.
UCL Space Health
EnglandIt is indeed a beautiful token of the human ascent into new horizons. The near future is full of possibilities and hope.
SwedenI do love on Mars, it is really curious how AI is developed nowadays. I think it is only the beginning and we will witness a lot more exciting things in the near future.
Deputy Head of SpaceTech Analytics
UkraineI visited your website, it's amazing. It looks like contemporary art.
Aerospace Engineer
IndiaI looked at the art on your website. Looks wonderful & is a great part of modern to industrial art.
Space Artist
United StatesThis looks wonderful ! I love the AI based art! It is so artistic!
Space Enthusiast | Winning Team- Moon Base Design Competition
IndiaI am indeed also a Mars lover! That you can litteraly make art out of the pictures of PERSEVERANCE, I didnt know that. I like the differences of marsian and earthern surface but I LOVE the similarities!
Analog Astronaut
That's a very interesting website. Rich content indeed 😀 I love the mosaic style of presentation. I love space and space art
United Arab Emirates
Thrilled to see those arts! They're incredible and beautiful.
Space enthusiast
Philipineswoah that is quite amazing!! It is really fascinating to know that sich type of work exists!
Woah these images are gorgeous!
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
United StatesWow that is impressive! Very nice. I'm sure this Mars Art project of yours will be a huge success. Keep working!👍
Yes, pretty impressive! And all AI-based too.
I saw the mars prints , they look amazing!
I had a quick look at the site and it's amazing. Very well done! Yours is a brillant iniziative to share interesting contents and beauties from Mars.
Woow , i see the website
It Is beautiful
These Are really amazing pictures.
I love the art 💜😊Peru
I agree the space and robotics and more particularly Mars and the moon exploration are fascinating.
GermanyThe website is suuuuper cool, I liked the pictures and the story behind it a lot! I enjoy the simplicity of each picture and the enormous impression they make in sequence! Really cool!!
GermanyYour website is awesome, the Mars prints are looking beautiful.
Aerospace Engineer
IndiaI visited the site and I've to say it was really amazing. Looking forward to more. 🙂
Aerospace Engineer
IndiaIt’s a very creative this angle on the art it can bring lot depth and possibilities . I like the mix of AI, art and Mars, the capture of image bring a source of uniqueness from the Rover.
Aerospace Engineer
GermanyI like the mix of art and technology very. It’s brilliant 🤩 . Yes contemporary art for sure and it’s exciting period in space exploration. It’s made my day thanks for that.
United States
this is a very clever project and you will have many developments as time goes on
Art collection
United StatesThe website and work you’ve done is remarkable and inspiring at the same time.
Media Head at Infinity Space Club
IndiaCool website! Art and science belong together. It’s good to see that becoming more noticeable and accepted.
Curated artist with Aldrin Art Space
united StatesVeru beautiful pics about Mars, completely artistic! Great job, I think is interesting when people try to mix science with different disciplines, in your case, art and beautiful pics about the red planet are making an original work for everyone interested in Mars.
MMAARS Analog Astronaut
PeruYour site is so cool. It's quite fascinating to think about the rover as an artist-- and the first one of its kind at that!
tech journalist
United StatesYour new project looks very interesting, love the way you display the photos like a contact sheet.
Visual Artist
I love your work on www.onmars.art , you have really created a new field of space art.
lovely artworks and website! Thank you
Scientific Illustrator & Visual Artist
AustraliaI am delighted to see this work. The images are enticing and beautiful. I have enjoyed watching all of your high resolution images from Mars and look at them often.
Space Artist
United states
I like your fine art range a lot! I think it’s a fabulous concept.
AldrinARTspace Gallery
Thank you for sharing your very interesting approach of the artistic features of robotic Mars exploration. Your website is stunning, congratulations!
Professor in Aerospace Engineering
Your work is lovely! Those images definitely have a modern art vibe. It is really interesting and it's nice to see a different kind of sciart compared to what I am used to see. Always amazed by the beauty that surrounds us!
Visual Science Communicator
United States
Very impressive site, thanks for sharing! I have to admit, I am really fascinated by those pictures ;-)
ExoMARS scientist
Your website comes along at a great time. Additionally, your focus on the 'art' aspect makes it unique as well as compelling so you should definitely get a lot of interest in it. Well done!
Business & Media Executive
United States
On Mars art is amazing ! I have seen it and admire the beauty of the images
Founder and Chairman Conrad Foundation
United States
It’s a very creative this angle on the art it can bring lot depth and possibilities for you. I like the mix of AI, art and Mars, the capture of image bring a source of uniqueness from the Rover.
I am in awe of the creative nature of the compilation of images, just stunning. I would define them as modern, contemporary or even abstract art.
Fine Artist
United StatesI saw the images you have on the website. They are amazing! Hope humanity would be able to visit Mars and see those with their eyes in person one day.
On Mars is a good platform. I have seen great collections you have there. Beautiful Art.
It is fascinating and I love the website! You should definitely expand the selection in the catalog. It would be very hard to name any other two greater expanding horisons for humanity than AI & space exploration.
I visited your website and liked it a lot:) You have beautiful pictures it is truly art :)
SwitzerlandI like what you did with the images of Perseverance. They make Mars extra special, but more importantly the images of Mars would appeal to more people just for the fact that they are modern art.
CEO at Explore Mars EuropeNetherlands
I had a look at your website and the work that you are doing looks great!
Artist, Director of KOSMICA
GermanyThank you very much to share this amazing contemporary and modern art ! so exiting to see it is wonderful 🥰
Interesting! I love talking about the connection between science+art. I think so many people are doing really beautiful and creative things by combining the two. And space is definitely a popular subject! 🥰
SciArt Initiative
United StatesThe photos from outer space are always beautiful and intriguing. I really liked these pictures of the planet Mars and can't wait for humans to be on the planet to click the photos themselves. This is a great initiative 💯
IndiaArtistic style of the AI reminds me Piet Mondrian
Space Architect
United StatesPRESS KIT
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Ciel et Espace, l'Univers de l'Association française d'astronomie, is a French-speaking bimonthly magazine dedicated to the sciences of the Universe and published by the Association française d'astronomie.
The French Astronomy Association (AFA) aims to "give as many people as possible the desire and the means to practice astronomy".
City of Science and Industry is the biggest science museum in Europe.Located in Paris, France, it is one of the three dozen French Cultural Centers of Science, Technology and Industry (CCSTI), promoting science and science culture.
Art made on Mars! You must be familiar with artworks and photography but have you ever thought of artwork that has a celestial origin?
Space Impulse was founded with a mission to connect the global space community, lower space industry costs
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech © 2022 Fine art and designs copyrighted.via Fidealis