We are convinced that showing the art hidden in sciences, and more particularly via the theme of Space and its immense dreamlike power, supports the interest of the young generations for the acquisition of knowledge.
Knowledge is the factor that leads us to change our way of thinking. However, it is the understanding that leads to change attitudes. Art is an enabler. More than any other, astronomy is a science whose shares of unknown, doubt, and provisional truth illustrate wonderfully the spirit of research. which must be imperatively shared by the whole of society to make sense. It is possible and all the more urgent as the challenges are immense and rely on collective choices that can be enlightened by the scientific and artistic approach.
By offering to watch, be entertained and learn to think, we want to contribute to this. Enjoy !
onMARS was founded in 2021. It is the first gallery dedicated exclusively to scientific photography and in particular space exploration. We aim to reveal the beauty hidden in scientific research by showcasing the beautiful, harmonious, and often surprising photographs that astronauts, scientists and even probes and robots took in their journey of exploring space..
Science and Art
For hundreds of years, science and art have influenced and inspired one another, resulting in the development of gorgeous and spectacular works. Color theorists began experimenting with hues early on, as well as how materials affected one another. Scientists continue to attempt to utilize their scientific vision and knowledge to produce artwork in today's world. Science and art are both human attempts to make sense of the world. They've been utilized as instruments to understand and describe the planet around us. Art, on the other hand, connects with emotional settings and links the audience's brain and heart, whereas science encourages a logical response.
Art and science are seen by some as two separate disciplines, yet they share a number of similarities. This collaboration was formed to encourage all scientists and artists to utilize their own technology and methods in order to communicate life's results directly to the general public. The combination of arts with science can result in a work of art that anyone can comprehend, whether they have any knowledge or not.
You can also directly support this project by purchasing one or more of our artworks. Today's space research relies heavily on photography... which capture moments of beauty that evoke the delicate and delicate harmony found in our earth, moon, solar system and beyond in deep space. . Our photographiess reveal the unseen, sometimes by playing with the scales, but at the same moment, they are surrounded by mystery, witnesses to an unalienable truth, and also contain mystery..
We organize conferences and exhibitions to stimulate scientific curiosity and artistic curiosity. The power of science can fascinate anyone, All you have to do is know how to tell the story. At onMARS, we prefer to tell it through pictures. We are happy to come to your location to show you the artworks. Our artworks can be temporarily displayed at your gala, charity night or event. You become an onMARS partner by displaying the collective's work; Contact us to purchase one of our photos, learn more about temporary exhibits for private venues or any other inquiry.
- Contact UsDon't be afraid to reach out. You + us = awesome.
Image Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech © 2022 Fine art and designs copyrighted.via Fidealis